
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

[PLNI]: The pumping and the hyping from promoter John M. Hollen

Save this post from the message board by the paid promoter John M. Hollen. PLNI has been promising these financials for 2 years now. Instead, the company issued 1.9 billion shares in the last five months to increase the shares outstanding to 3.7 billion common shares - while PLNI was publicly stating that it was in a share buyback mode. Notice how he continues to attempt to convince the readers to buy buy buy. He has been doing this since the stock price was at 1.9 cents - it is now at 6/10's of a penny, down almost 70%. All along John M. Hollen has been selling his PLNI shares into the market (

Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 123Location: Midwest
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:16 pm
Post subject: PLNI - Plasticon International - kaaBOOOOM, soon......

'03 financial filings..........
'04 financial filings..........
'05 financial filings..........
Major freakin' News............

All soon to come, ..while the POS Shorts, Mofo NSSing MFMMMs, and the sleazy Pro BashHoles run for cover..!!!

These next few days are your last dam* chance to glom "..Super-Cheapie-Shares.." - or your personal copy of the 2006 B.B. King "..Woulda - Coulda - Shoulda.." Blues CD. Your choice. .



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