
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Monday, May 29, 2006

[PLNI][GCHR]: Mr. Paul S. Davis and Mr. Pumpy the Promoter

Pay attention as Mr. Paul S. Davis of Boston glorifies the PLNI disinformation campaign that Mr. Pumpy the Promoter has conducted, including false and misleading statements, Libel, death threats and attacks on anyone who points out the negative aspects of PLNI:

One finds it hard to understand why Mr. Paul S. Davis would be supporting PLNI and its promoters at this point in time, unless one realizes that Mr. Davis is also a promoter of GCHR, a company that is also being promoted by the well-known promoter jmhollen (in addition to PLNI):

You might want to review some details of jmhollen's promotional activities here:

Regarding Mr. Paul S. Davis of Boston, both he and Mr. Pumpy the Promoter are the first ones to point the finger at the evil short sellers and the evil market makers whenever a stock price of a Company that they own and are promoting falls significantly, even though all signs point to massive frauds committed by these companies and their management.


Mr. Paul S. Davis has admitted that a large percentage of his trading is done by his short selling of stocks.


Mr. Paul S. Davis has often stated that the very same market makers, which he has consistently blamed for manipulating the stock prices, are much needed by thinly traded companies in order to have a sustained and efficient market in the stock.

The biggest question regarding Mr. Paul S. Davis, however, is:

Does the Billionaire Mark Cuban know that it is Mr. Paul S. Davis of Boston that has been libeling him all over the internet?



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