[SLJB]: Scamster Jack Dorf of Batavia, New York
the_worm06 will now proceed to document the incredible fraudulent behavior of scamster Jack Dorf of Batavia, New York (jake8812) on this blog as this individual has been promoting the stock of Sulja Bros. Building Supplies, Ltd (SLJB).
Rarely has the_worm06 observed such fraudulent behavior by an individual, such as Jack Dorf of Batavia, New York, to promote a company that has so obviously been accused of fraud such as SLJB, including the charge of fraud by the Ontario Securities Commission, the halt of trading by the Ontario Securities Commission and the Alberta Securities Commission, the announcement of initial investigations by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the U.S. Securities Exchange Commision, and the announcement by the company that none of its previously issued press releases should be relied upon by investors.
Mr. Jack Dorf
8812 Rollin Cir W
Batavia, NY 14020
details in a very very long series of blog posts on this individual to follow, including his private messages where he threatens innocent women in order to shut any negative comments about his business asscociate Mr. Petar Vucicevich, the former CEO of SLJB.
the_worm06 will now proceed to document the incredible fraudulent behavior of scamster Jack Dorf of Batavia, New York (jake8812) on this blog as this individual has been promoting the stock of Sulja Bros. Building Supplies, Ltd (SLJB).
Rarely has the_worm06 observed such fraudulent behavior by an individual, such as Jack Dorf of Batavia, New York, to promote a company that has so obviously been accused of fraud such as SLJB, including the charge of fraud by the Ontario Securities Commission, the halt of trading by the Ontario Securities Commission and the Alberta Securities Commission, the announcement of initial investigations by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the U.S. Securities Exchange Commision, and the announcement by the company that none of its previously issued press releases should be relied upon by investors.
Mr. Jack Dorf
8812 Rollin Cir W
Batavia, NY 14020
details in a very very long series of blog posts on this individual to follow, including his private messages where he threatens innocent women in order to shut any negative comments about his business asscociate Mr. Petar Vucicevich, the former CEO of SLJB.
Jake/Jack has got to be one of the most dishonest degenerates on Msg Bds in the world. Maybe the worst ever! He is such a low life that even Golden Board, a Msg Bd devoted to the SLJB Scam which allows only touting and lies shilling that scam, has kicked his sorry ass out.
His constant lies and total disinformation is downright sick. Combine that with a sick relationship with another well-known scumbag, liar and shill, scorpio and you have one big smelly POS named Jack.
He also likes to pick on and abuse women posters! A real man, lol. Interesting that he has that in common with bearclaw, a sociopathic shill from PLNI! Sick birds of a Feather!!
I look forward to the exposure of this punk. He deserves the worst for what he has done to honest posters, especially women, in supporting the SLJB scam.
Have at him, worm.
PS Google his house. Modest would be considered puffing!
Jack, plant a few trees in your yard. Do some landscaping. Build a deck! Get newer cars, for God Sake. Big man like you??
Do the neighbors consider you the White Trash of the neighborhood?
well said daryl. I dont know how anyone can believe that hype anyway.
marketmann(goog wont let me sign in/forgot password)
Dude, you're a fraud. You sling crap at the wall and hope it will stick. You always post, details to follow, but they never do. Who is HHughes? You said three months ago you were going to out him. You haven't followed through. I think you're all hat and no cattle.
"details" are released on a timely manner. Could be one day, one week, one month or one year later.
Yes, HHUGHES identity is known and has been released to the authorities. It will be made public at the proper time.
Good luck to you
Hi there,
Great work! I read this blog now and then...
What about PNMS?: if you like exposing scams I think you can spend some time on that one.
tell us a little about PNMS and why you think it might be a potential scam.
Hi worm06,
PNMS: I'll try to summerize a bit.
First some interresting links:
See mainly the info box on both boards. The second one is the PNMS board, so they will not tell you it is a scam in the ibox. But that ibox contains general information and history.
- Before Q306, PNMS was still PYPY, a typical pinkie stock that filed financials with pinksheets.com, a 7 billion O/S... all seemed very normal. It was trading around 0.0005
- Fundacion PayPro Announces The Sale of 2 Billion Restricted Shares of PayPro, Inc. in PDRs at $0.04 Nov 6, 2006 10:38:00 AM.
Then some magic happens: in November 06, somebody from PANAMA buys 2 billion restricted shares for a ridiculous price of 0.04, leaving them with 80 million of cash in the books.
- Around the same period, PYPR starts running up to 0.0080. Based on the news above and financials statements. ( Probably other things might be involved )
- PYPR invests some of the 80 million back into panama companies, and this immediately pays of: in Q406, they book record revenues (47 million ) and record profits (27 million) and report record assets (120 million).
- Q406 was the last report officially filed on pinksheets.com. Ever since, they report financials on their website.
- with all the money everything is possible. The company promises to go for an OTC.BB status and to do a buyback of shares. (until today not a single share was bought back, I already said the stopped filing with pinksheets.com, yet they anounce record Q after record Q)
- Then they pulled 'an SLJB': they promised audited financials by a target date of 15/03/07. Leading to PRs as:
Feb 22,2007 - PANAMERSA Corporation (PNMS) Announces Fourth Quarter Audit Almost Complete:
At 15/3, there was an entry on the blog of the CEO saying he has the audited financials, but the fax machine was broke ( really happened!)
- But the audit never came. But there was a good reason for that: their income is coming from panama mainly and there is a law in panama that forbids the publishing of numbers from private companies. (as if they needed those numbers)
- Anyway: the share price crashed, but believers keep defending them.
- Another PR: Mar 09, 2007 - PANAMERSA Corporation Board of Directors to Meet to Discuss Buyout
( they were sick of the low share price and considered buying everyone out to get it over with)
- The company has always blamed 'shorting' as the reason the price went down
- The best thing has yet to come: somewhere in april this year, the company announces that they are sick of the corrupt US markets and decide to start their own exchange. There the shares will trade at their fair value: 0.01.
- Shareholders are encouraged to request their certs and send them over to their office. They would get an account where they can trade the shares on the new exchange
- This happens and people claim that they were selling shares for 0.01, thereby making huge profits. This causes a new run to 0.0045. Unfortunately, the sellers never receive their money: it is not possible to get money of the accounts on the new exchange.
- The company recognizes this is an issue an has been working on a solution for the past 6 monts. They claim a solution is close (december 1 was mentioned as the date)
- meanwhile, shares trade at 0.0002
( there is more, but this should allow you to decide whether you want to get into this mess or not)
best regards!
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