
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Saturday, May 10, 2008

[LBWR]: Labwire, Inc. Securities Counsel David B. Stocker and several LBWR Reg D Rule 504 investors charged with Securities Fraud by the SEC


1. In a form 15c2-11 filed with by Labwire, Inc. (LBWR), the company listed Arizona attorney David B. Stocker as its Securities Counsel:


2. In addition, the LBWR form 15c2-11 includes an opinion letter written by Mr. Stocker stating that 1.8 million shares of LBWR stock issued under Reg. D Rule 504 would be exempt from the SEC registration requirements and therefore can be freely trading.


3. In the same LBWR form 15c2-11, Labwire, Inc. states that Mr. Stocker "does not own any shares of the issuer".


4. The form 15c2-11 also includes an Exhibit "A", which lists the purchasers of the 1.8 million LBWR shares.


5. Among the fourteen "purchasers" listed in Exhibit "A" are:

Curtis-Case, Inc. - 250,000 shares

Page Properties, LP - 250,000 shares

Jumpstart Capital, Inc. - 50,000 shares

Janan Page - 100,000 shares

Trevor Page - 100,000 shares

Martin Cantu - 100,000 shares


6. The Securities Exchange Commission charged certain individuals and entities with Securities Fraud in the sale of unregistered securities in Litigation Release No. 20302 dated September 27, 2007:


7. Among the defendants in the SEC securities fraud litigation release mentioned in the above paragraph are:

- David B. Stocker, LBWR's Securities Counsel mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above.

- Page Properties, LP, an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above.

- Curtis-Case, Inc., an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above.


8. According to the SEC Litigation Release, Page Properties, LP is controlled by Timothy T. Page, another Defendant in the SEC securities fraud case.


9. Janan Page, an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above, is listed as Timothy T. Page's spouse in the following SEC filing:


10. It is believed that Trevor Page, an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above, is related to Timothy T. Page and/or Janan Page.


11. Jumpstart Capital, Inc., an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above, was controlled by Phillip W. Offill, Jr, another Defendant in the SEC securities fraud case:


12. Martin Cantu, an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above, is listed as a significant stockholder and Director of a company that is controlled by Timothy T. Page, Lion Capital Holdings, Inc.:


13. According to the SEC Litigation Release, Curtis-Case, Inc., an LBWR Rule 504 purchaser mentioned in paragraph 5 above and a defendant in the SEC Securities Fraud case is controlled by LBWR Securities Counsel David B. Stocker. As discussed in the paragraph 3 above, the LBWR form 15c2-11 had specifically stated that Mr. Stocker "does not own any shares of the issuer", which seems to contradict the information stated in the SEC Litigation Release discussed above.


14. Martin Cantu, LBWR's significant stockholder mentioned above is further discussed in this article by award winning journalist Carol S. Remond, in a Dow Jones Newswires Column:


15. In a separate action, the SEC charged LBWR's Securities Counsel David B. Stocker with assisting in an illegal "pump and dump" scheme:


16. What does all of the above say about the quality of management of Labwire, Inc.?







Anonymous Anonymous said...



c. Bighorns

7:58 AM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...


Only 10 more new message board posts by you for this one by the_worm06?

You would think that you would do 100-200 more posts on this one.

Oh, well.

Just wait until my next few blog entries, they will make this one look very mild. Yes, Matilda, we are only at the tip of the Iceberg.

As always, good luck to you



8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "+10" is broker calls. 10 more when we get to 200. I'm not going to start payment on these till LBWR is on the Daily List.

So what's next - you gonna try to find some dirt on the Church that Dexter attends? Better get on it, so that you can save the Church from sinners. Maybe then you will get your glory.

Why do you not see that what Labwire has already accomplished supercedes anything you might say up to this point? Just think about it. The Form 10 passed without comment. None. That means it must have been even more pristine then I first belived.

Futhermore, neither Dexter, nor Labwire, nor any other company officer appear anywhere on the complaint. You must have really hated that.

So, at the end of the day it was only worth 6 more posts. Sorry.

c. Bighorns

10:00 AM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...


Good stuff on the calls to brokers. Any thoughts on calling 1,000 brokers instead?

Say, are you also using assets from Methodist Hospital of Memphis, your employer, for these calls for personal financial gain? - some of which I would imagine are long distance. You might remember that you have already been caught using the Hospital's assets to pump and hype stocks on the Internet for your personal gain.

Regarding whether Labwire, Inc. was charged by the SEC for securities fraud, as you can see, nowhere in the blog entries did I state this, did I?

Regarding the next blog entries about LBWR, I think you are really going to enjoy them - something about the missing $250,000 from the company balance sheet and something about false and misleading statements filed with the SEC by LBWR.

Oh, by the way, can't wait to review all those 8-K's and amdended form 10's that are going to be filed with the SEC by LBWR - something about RESTATEMENT of financials - should be fun.

As always, good luck to you



10:12 AM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...


This is your comment:

"So what's next - you gonna try to find some dirt on the Church that Dexter attends? Better get on it, so that you can save the Church from sinners. Maybe then you will get your glory."

I am totally fascinated that you do not find it relevant that the Company's Securities Counsel and several of its large investors were charged with Securities Fraud by the SEC.

But again, it is typical of your lack of due diligence on any of the companies that you pump and hype.

Say, have you been selling any more LBWR shares while you have been telling people to buy and hold for the long term because of your $3.00/share price predictions for the stock price?

good luck to you



10:17 AM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...


Wait a minute, I think that I finally get it on those broker calls. You stated above that:

"The "+10" is broker calls. 10 more when we get to 200. I'm not going to start payment on these till LBWR is on the Daily List."

Ok, I see.

So you are paying other promoters to make calls to these securities brokers to pump and hype LBWR.

Ok, thanks, I understand now.

good luck to you



11:23 AM  

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