
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

[LBWR]: Promoter Paul S. Davis ("rrufff") continues to defend scam company Labwire, Inc.

From the Silicon Investor Message board for scam company Labwire, Inc. (LBWR). It seems that promoter Paul S. Davis (rrufff) continues to defend scam company Labwire, Inc. after it just filed an amended form 10 and 3 10-Q's for the Year 2008. Somehow, just like he did with scam company Sulja Bros. Building Supplies, Ltd. (SLJB), this promoter just doesn't stop with the attacks on the people that have brought out the red flags on LBWR.

the_worm06 had previously correctly predicted that scam company LBWR would have to restate its financials statements filed with the SEC, only to be attacked by promoter Paul S. Davis and others in defending scam company LBWR.

The details of the filings, which will be fully reviewed in this blog in the near future, show that LBWR had to restate its 2007 financial statements previously filed with the SEC, which fraudulently showed Net Income to be a multiple of the actual amount due to hundreds of thousands of dollars in mysterious revenues that somehow showed up in its previously filed financial statements. Among other omissions and misstatements, LBWR also acknowledged that it fraudulently omitted that it had issued 2.2 million LBWR shares to insiders in the 2nd quarter of 2008 - something which was falsely used by the Promoters to pump the LBWR stock by saying that LBWR had gone for a long period of time without issuing new shares, particularly to insiders.

To: Creede Bighorns who wrote (1365)
12/24/2008 7:28:42 AM
From: rrufff

Read Replies (1) of 1367

Yes, and big congrats to you and other longs for patience, that hopefully will prove rewarding in the long run.

Have you already noticed that the crew of critics are huddling and will be trying new tactics, likely under the scenario of "throw a lot of manure on the wall and see what sticks."

Look for the change from "won't ever file," to "it really doesn't matter if they file."


"See, they had to restate a relatively small amount of revenue. Nah, nah, I told you. So what if they are a rare pinky that actually has revenue and isn't bleeding money. They actually found a mistake and corrected it unlike most pinkies that shuffle this under the rug."


"They made lots of mistakes in the past, in the past, they made lots of mistakes, lots of mistakes in the past, in the past, in the past, in the past, in the past, in the past, in the past, blah, blah...."


"Posters in LBWR previously posted about stocks that turned out to be scams so LBWR must be a scam."


"Dexter goes to church with someone who paid the illegal gardner in cash." LOL.

Don't forget there are a lot of aliasses with egg on their faces, who claimed .001 or even .0001. I don't know the percentage of error on those "predictions," but they clearly establish that those who claim to be "always right" are anything but that.

One thing that hasn't gotten a lot of attention that I found interesting was that an accredited investor apparently bought shares for .15. Presumably, this is someone who is in a position to do extensive DD and has made a decision to buy stock. It is interesting also that we regular investors can buy for much less at this point than someone in a position of the accredited investor.

During the first quarter of 2008, the Company sold 100,000 shares of its common stock to a single accredited investor at a per share price of $0.15.

Take care and Merry Christmas.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear theworldsworstbasher,

99% of all pinksheet companies are either scams or bad investments - I have been saying that for a long time. That means it's pretty darn hard for a bull to be right, and it's against all odds for a basher to be wrong.

I mean, come on. One would have to be one hell of a great investor to pick a legit pinky investment, and conversely one would have to be one hell of a clueless basher to key on one of the ever so rare legit golden pinky's - after all, bashing is easy. Who can't find pinky's that stink to high heaven? No, it would really take a dimwit to find a legit company, and then bash it as a scam over and over. What would the world think of the skills of someone that would would be so clueless?

I say again that I think you should bow out while it's still unknown just how much revenue Labwire is going to be able to generate in the coming years, and while the new Form 10 is still sitting at the SEC unreviewed. I'd say either take down all references to Labwire where you call it a "scam", OR go ahead and put up a big fat post making a prediction about what is going to happen with the new Form 10. Don't hold back - BE BOLD. You are ivy league, remember? You are as smart as the SEC, and should be able to easily predict what is going to happen with that new Form 10. Show us your stuff. Show us you are not afraid of eating any cRow. Tell us what is about to happen with that filing.

Your followers really need you. Help them to know if they should retreat - or not.


P.S. Thank you George Dexter Morris for already serving theworldsworstbasher a huge dose of Christmas cRow. 7 filings and a PR two days before the big day - UNBELIEVABLE!

3:40 PM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...


What you should do is sit back and review the blog entries that the_worm06 is going to be making on the SCAM company Labwire, Inc. (LBWR) during the next 2 weeks.

The current SEC filings by LBWR only underscore that LBWR is a scam by verifying that it had filed false and misleading statements with the SEC previously and issued false and misleading press releases.



3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

w.w.b. - that does not sound like you are going to be BOLD. That sounds like you are going to nitpick the Form 10, and then say that you know the SEC's job better than they do. It does not sound like you are going to be BOLD enough to just go ahead and state in a new BOLD post that you know that the Form 10 cannot pass because it's a scam company. Sounds like you are going to try to misdirect, and cower from the entire question.

Is that why you like to be called the worm - because you are too scared to be BOLD and just put yourself and your reputation out there?

Don't blame you at all. I'm sure you and yours are still reeling and quite stunned over that BOLD new piece of disclosure that is calling in all hope for the new 2009 that is upon us. I imagine you almost felt faint as you saw the attachment with ole #23 on the Fortune 500 list. How could that be?!?! HOW COULD IT?!? HOW BOLD IS THAT!!!! Has not the worm said time and again there are no Fortune 500 clients.

Brush it off, and just be BOLD. Take down the scam tripe, or BOLDLY state what the SEC is going to do - or not do with the Form 10. Your ivy league (sure), remember? Rrufff is ivy league, think he would be afraid to be BOLD? No way, and never.

Can you be BOLD - or not?


6:39 PM  

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