[POTG]: the_worm06 Initiates Research on company "Portage Resources Inc."
Initial stock price prediction by the_worm06 for company "Portage Resources Inc." (POTG) is:
$0.05 per share
[note: the stock price of POTG's latest trade today, July 14, 2011 as of this prediction, was at $0.835 per share - resulting in a total market value for POTG of approximately $532 million]
Initial stock price prediction by the_worm06 for company "Portage Resources Inc." (POTG) is:
$0.05 per share
[note: the stock price of POTG's latest trade today, July 14, 2011 as of this prediction, was at $0.835 per share - resulting in a total market value for POTG of approximately $532 million]
You can officially stick a fork in this company now. The Worm is ALWAYS right on his PPS predictions
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