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Sunday, August 12, 2007

[SLJB/LFWK]: Promoter Peter W. Barton (pete70 aka scorpio70) attempts to pump and hype SLJB with fraudulent false and misleading financial statements

Take a look at the August 12th posted message on the new scorpio message board as Elmira, NY native Mr. Peter W. Barton (pete70 aka scorpio70) posts a link to a filing of unaudited financials for the period ending December 31, 2005 by SLJB/LFWK.

Mr. Barton, the owner of an 11 foot aluminum boat, attempts to pump the stock by saying that there are some serious assets at the end of 2005.

Yet a review of the balance sheet that was filed with pinksheets shows Total Assets of $6.2 million, but "Liabilities and Stockholders Equity" of $14.4 million. These two figures should be exactly the same amount in order for the balance sheet to "balance".

The significant $8.2 discrepancy in the balance sheet leads one to assume that the books of this company are "cooked" and that LFWK/SLJB released fraudulent false and misleading financial statements to the investment public.

What was Mr. Barton, who claims a close relationship with former SLJB CEO Mr. Petar Vucicevich, thinking by using this fraudulent balance sheet to promote the stock?

He has already been caught saying that all the previous fraudulent false and misleading financials statements released by the company were legitimate - including the May 31, 2005 and 2006 unaudited financial statements.

Does Peter W. Barton of Elmira, N.Y. not realize that certain message boards, and certainly this blog, are monitored by the several government agencies that increasingly are looking for promoters that use false and misleading statements to promote the stocks of scam companies?

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Re: First!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!«
Reply #113 on Yesterday at 8:23pm »

That's some serious assets they had at the end of 05



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