
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Thursday, February 18, 2010

[SPNG]: Promoter L. Patrick Davis - who is this person and what is his involvement with scam company Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc.?

It appears that Promoter L. Patrick Davis has been involved in the stock promotion, and as an attorney, with the legal representation of scam company Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc. (SPNG) on the stock message boards. With thousands of posted mesages, this promoter has been hyping and pumping the stock of this scam company for almost a year now - many times with false and misleading statements obviously fed to him by the company. He has gone as far as attacking cybersleuths that post the red flags about the frauds committed by SPNG with threats of lawsuits by SPNG and with racial ethnic slurs.

the_worm06 will be posting a series of reports on the behavior of this Promoter, together with how he has used family members to further his attacks on the cybersleuths - and all of this in order to defend the scam company SPNG.

details to follow



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worm I hope you can get to the bottom of this.

The use of racial slurs against any person is highly offensive.

If this person is an attorney, they can be disbarred for such activity.
Also, I wonder how his minority clients would feel if they knew about his comments?

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great stuff!!! Don't stop, this illegal promoter (paid pumper) deserves all the legal action coming to him.

Good work!

7:52 PM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...

Wait until you see how disgusting this person has acted.

He took the details of a securities fraud conviction that landed someone 10 yeats in jail and replaced the name of the convicted felon with the real name of a cybersleuth. Then spammed this all over the World Wide Internet.

Remember, this is an attorney doing this.

Then there are all the racial ethnic slurs against Hispanics.


8:00 PM  

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