
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

[EIGH]: Dr. Jerry Williams' Monks Den trading seminars and scam company 8000 Inc. - a "mark" spills the beans

Take some time to review how an innocent investor was suckered into investing into scam stocks CDIV and EIGH by Dr. Jerry Williams and his Monks Den trading seminars and promoters that work for him. "FLD" is a term for "Float Lock Down" where these scamsters claim to buy up all the float of a scam company such as 8000 Inc. (EIGH) in a manipulative attempt to force a short squeeze and a significant increase in the stock price.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
12:41:34 AM
Re: None
Post #161837 of 161859

Some thoughts from an ex-CDIV believer…

I discovered the FLD’s back at the start of the year and invested some in both E and CDIV back in Jan. I gradually sold other stuff and invested a bit more in E and a lot more in CDIV as it started to move up. I became so convinced that the FLD idea was legit as CDIV moved from .06 to .40 that I signed up for the PHX Monkinar. I actually don’t regret going to that. It really wasn’t about the FLD’s. It was mainly Monk’s techniques for reading charts and day trading. It was, however, pretty basic stuff that you could pick up from reading any decent webpage on charting (and most of it I already pretty much knew). It was also nice to meet a lot of the people behind the aliases. I have to say that I still believe most of the people involved in these things are good people that genuinely mean well and care about each other.

In PHX, we did discuss CDIV and the FLD’s briefly. A few things bothered me about the discussion. The first was that there was no one who was involved with the supposed EV** short squeeze that was still around. They were all rich and retired and in hiding now. The second was that Dr. Jerry could never really give a compelling reason why the MM’s would dig so deep a hole to create such an amazing squeeze or what would be the catalyst to trigger it. The third was the fact that Jerry said he wasn’t going to teach us how to screen for chart plays as he didn’t want to distract us from putting our money in the FLD’s. I know. I know. Big red flags. However, it was easy to ignore all that when my .10 average price CDIV shares were running up several 100 percent.

Like a good team player I hit the ask much of the way up as I watched CDIV reach 0.70. I didn’t sell a share even though I knew selling some on the run up to lock in profits was just good common sense, but I didn’t want to hurt the team. I watched CDIV trickle all the way back down into the teens, again never selling a single share. It was when the G stock also ran up to 0.70 and started a similar fall at the end of the summer that I started to really question the whole FLD idea. When the FLD hype got pulled from the den ibox and the Monk was too busy flying his plane to support his troops, I really started to worry. I did some digging into Monk’s old posts on the hub and into the EV** story. I discovered that EV** was not a short squeeze but a pumpfest galore during its crazy run up (try googling “riding hype to the moon” and check out the first result from Canada that shows up). I soon became convinced that the whole FLD idea was nothing more than wishful thinking at best and an outright, if not illegal, scam at worst.

In early September, I decided to exit both E and CDIV. It was just a question of when. I got lucky with E and was able to ride the hype up before I got out. I started selling both of them the day after the absolutely ridiculous E divi PR. It that didn’t convince you the FLD thing was bogus, I don’t think anything will.

So why I am saying all this now? I just think it’s the right thing to do. I wish I had done it sooner before everything had completely collapsed. I’ve met many of you in person and think you’re decent, honest people, but I also believe that a squeeze is never going to happen. Some of you have risked your entire savings and even mortgaged your home in the hope of making it rich off of this crazy idea. If this post ends up saving even one person from flushing what’s left of their money down the toilet, then it’ll be worth it. We’re all grownups, and each of us must make our own decisions, but if you’re going to stay in this thing at least think through some of the stuff that has happened in the past couple months. Look at how Monk has handled this. Look at how these stocks have behaved, and consider what people like XB are saying. Not everyone who questions what is going on is a basher or an MM plant (do you seriously think the MM’s have time for message boards?). Some of the people around here have a lot of experience in the wild west of the pinkies and seem to be straight shooters with believable answers.

I’ll admit that part of me wants to believe this whole FLD thing is just a sincere but misguided idea that went bad (no harm, no foul), but given everything that has happened, that seems as likely as CDIV actually squeezing one day. I genuinely hope it’ll work out well for those of you still holding and buying, but all the evidence indicates that these things will be sub-penny soon. I’ll confess that it’s hard to admit I got taken in by the craziness, but I suppose admitting I got taken in is the first step to not getting taken in again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Worm...........

Notice how the Monk's Den people try to claim now Monk does not promote "Float Lock Downs" and never has?

BS Watch this Youtube PNTV Video.

Starting at the 2:13 mark, notice the featured "seminar attendee" being interviewed and what is on his hat. It clearly advertises "LOCK THE FLOAT - MONKS DEN".

This would be referring to the ILLEGAL "Float Lock Down" Monk used and now try to deny.

Monk was taught, trained and hired for this stuff by none other than the infamous Steve Carnes.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monk was taught, trained and hired for this stuff by none other than the infamous Steve Carnes.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Jerry Monks dream, who was Carnes's suck buddy ?

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monk was taught, trained and hired for this stuff by none other than the infamous Steve Carnes.

I would like to learn more of Monk and Cranes.

5:36 PM  

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