
Thoughts, Comments and Research on Publicly Traded Companies and Internet Stock Message Boards

Thursday, May 20, 2010

[SPNG]: Promoter Scott M. Czech ("smczech") and Integrys Energy Services of Greenbay, Wisconsin

How have they been involved in assisting the fraudsters at scam company Spongetech Delivery Systems, Inc. (SPNG) to continue their frauds?

Promoter Scott M. Czech (smczech) claims that he is a Senior Programmer Analyst at

Integrys Energy Services
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Phone: 920-617-6100
Fax: 920-617-6070

So if that is the case, does that mean that other employees of Integrys have also been involved in the pumping and hyping of scam company SPNG and the vicious attacks on the cybersleuths that have brought out the red flags of this massive fraud?

Why does Integrys allow Promoter Czech and other employees of Integrys to use the company's computer assets and systems to assist in the SPNG frauds?

What is the relationship between Mr. Czech, Integyrs Energy Services and Steven Moskowitz, the COO of scam company SPNG?

Oh, by the way, this gives you some background on SPNG:

Details to follow



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worm, I realize you may not want to open yourself up to hatemail or spam, but is there any way to contact you besides leaving posts on public forums?

5:48 PM  
Blogger the_worm06 said...

if you want to keep your message private and only for the eyes of the_worm06 then label it "Private and Confidential" - it will not be made public.



1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, can you update us as to what's happening with smczech? He certainly got suddenly quiet.

1:32 PM  

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