In a recent posted message on the Raging Bull messages boards, the promoter, Mr. Pumpy, posted an acknowledgement of a receipt of complaint sent to the SEC by him. The following is what the conversation between Mr. Pumpy and the SEC might sound like on the phone sometime in the future:
Mr. Pumpy: Hello.
SEC: Yes, this is the Securities and Exchange Commission, we are looking for a Mr. Pumpy.
Mr. Pumpy: This is he.
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, we are calling regarding the complaint that you filed with us last week.
Mr. Pumpy: Great....did you catch them?
SEC: Catch who?
Mr. Pumpy: You know, did you catch those evil naked short sellers?
SEC: Not yet, did you have any other complaints?
Mr. Pumpy: Yes, I have a complaint about the_worm06....he doesn't seem to like me and says bad things about me all the time.
SEC: the_worm06?...we know him very well.
Mr. Pumpy: Great. Can you put him in jail?
SEC: Huh? We don't put anyone in jail, that is a job for the US Attorney's office to prosecute. What did the_worm06 do anyway?
Mr. Pumpy: I hate him I hate him I hate him...dabababababdodododoshsoshoshos...I hate him I hate him I hate him.dababbobobobobobodabababoboboboob.
SEC: Hey calm down Mr. Pumpy, what did the_worm06 do?
Mr. Pumpy: Have you read his blog?
SEC: Yes. We read his blog every day, in fact we have been reading the_worm06's research reports since 2000. He usually sends them to our senior officers a few days in advance, and sometimes a few weeks in advance, before he publishes them on the internet. His research has been very very helpful to us in the past. So what part of the blog are you complaining about?
Mr. Pumpy: Did you read what he wrote about me?
SEC: Yes we did and we are looking into it further. Please tell us Mr. Pumpy, did you post on November 14, 2005 that the acquisition by PLNI of Prom Mold had been closed?
Mr. Pumpy: Yes I did.
SEC: As of today, has the acquisition of Pro Mold been closed?
Mr. Pumpy: ahhhh...dobidobi....ahhhhh...yatyatyat...ahhhhhh
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, we repeat, has the acquisition of Pro Mold been closed as of today?
Mr. Pumpy: Well...ahhhh...well....ahhhh....you see, it depends....
SEC: What do you mean "it depends"?....Just answer the question - Has the acquisition of Pro Mold closed as of today, two full months after you stated that it had been closed?
Mr. Pumpy: Officer, I mean agent, I mean sir, your honor....according to the company the acquisition closed pending SEC approval.
SEC: Huh? pending what SEC approval?....we don't approve acquisitions here at the SEC...that is not our responsility. Can you imagine? There are companies that sometimes make 100's of acquisitions per year, can you imagine how taxed the SEC would be if it was required for us to approve all acquisitions?
Mr. Pumpy: But but but but but...ahhhhhhhhh...ooooooooohhhhhhh.
SEC: Mr. Pumpy. It is plain and simple - Was the acquisition of Pro Mold closed when you publicly stated that it was?
Mr. Pumpy: Well, now that you say it...I guess not.
SEC: Now, Mr. Pumpy, lets talk about the Semco acquisition by PLNI. Did you, on November 14th, also state that the acquisition of Semco had been completed?
Mr. Pumpy: Yes I did. But you have to believe me...It wasn't my fault...the evil short sellers made me do it...I hate them I hate them I hate them...
SEC: As of today, has PLNI completed the acquisition of Semco?
Mr. Pumpy: ahhhhhhhhh...No it hasn't.
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, at the bottom at that same post you stated that:
"My recommendation... Buy all the PLNI stock you can afford"....Do you realize the severity of posting two false and misleading statements about material assets that you claimed were owned by PLNI and at the same time urging investors to buy all the PLNI stock that they can afford?
Mr. Pumpy: Ahhhhhhh...ohohohohhohohh...ohboy...ohboy...ohboy....Yes....
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, we are not done yet. Were you selling any of your PLNI stock while you were making these false and misleading statements on the internet?
Mr. Pumpy: No sir, I didn't sell a share.
SEC: OK...either way, we have issued a subpoena to obtain your trading records. We are asking for all of your trades occurring every sec of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month for the last 5 years.
Mr. Pumpy: ahhhhh.....ok...but why me?...I haven't done anything wrong, it is the evil naked short sellers I tell ya...the evil naked short sellers....
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, do you know the individual that uses the alias "bestbydesign" on the Raging Bull message boards and "jmhollen" on the Silicon Investor message boards?
Mr. Pumpy: ahhhh....let me see....ahhhhh. "best by" what?....bestbydine?....bestbegone?...I don't think so....and "jmho"...jmhole?...I don't think so, never heard of them...can you spell them for me?
SEC: sure....b-e-s-t-b-y-d-e-s-i-g-n and j-m-h-o-l-l-e-n.
Mr. Pumpy: oh...ok....bestbydesign and jmhollen...nope never heard of them.
SEC: Are you sure?
Mr. Pumpy: yep....I am sure, never heard of John Hollen's aliases bestbydesign and jmhollen.
SEC: Mr. Pumpy, why do you continue to lie to us, you just said that John Hollen uses the aliases bestbydesign and jmhollen. You know - the same John Hollen that was a promoter and consultant to eConnect, one of the biggest stock fraud cases that we have charged in years.
Mr. Pumpy: no I didn't. You said the name John Hollen. I never lie. I never lie. It is the evil naked shorters...they make me lie.
SEC: Now now Mr. Pumpy, the_worm06 has sent us details of your continued postings to and from several of the John Hollen aliases. We also know that you have co-hosted or co-monitored several messages boards on Silicon Investor with jmhollen. You yourself have posted numerous times how you talked to jmhollen on the phone and how you think that he is your good friend and always believe what he says and would always follow his advice. It also seems that the both of you are involved in the same stocks.
Mr. Pumpy: Oh...that jmhollen....yep I know him, now that I think about it.
SEC: Do you know that jmhollen, according a research report on the_worm06 blog was selling at least 3.5 million shares of PLNI while you were pumping and hyping the stock, including your false and misleading statements on the acquisitions of Pro Mold and Semco in November of 2005?
Mr. Pumpy: I don't believe anything the_worm06 says...I hate him I hate him I hate him...ahhhhhohhhhhhob ononononononon.. yakyahyahyah....dobadobabbbbbaaa.
SEC: Well, Mr. Pumpy, whether you believe the_worm06 or not, we are afraid that we have another subpoena for you. You are now required to turn over to us all of your banking records, showing all flow of funds in and out of your accounts for the last five years, including any funds or promotional stock that you might have received from jmhollen.
Mr. Pumpy: ahhhh. OK....but what about those evil naked short sellers?
SEC: Yes, Mr. Pumpy, lets talk about the evil naked short sellers now.
to be continued_____________________________________